- 米开朗基罗Michelangelo
- 你听说过米开朗基罗吗?Did you ever hear of Michael Angelo?
- 米开朗基罗是耍双节棍的高手。Michaelangelo is the master of the whirling nunchakus.
- 米开朗基罗在解决这些难题的时候只有25岁。Michelangelo was only 25 when he carved his great solution to these difficulties.
- 米开朗基罗是美术及发明大师。Michaelangelo was a genius in art and innovation.
- 柏拉图主义:米开朗基罗艺术创造的灵魂Platonism: The Soul of Micheloangelo's Artistic Creation
- 米开朗基罗用大理石塑造了许多艺术杰作。In marmo Michelangelo ha scolpito molti capolavori artistici.
- 米开朗基罗的素描最近在纽约展出。The drawings of Michelangelo were recently exhibited in New York.
- 米开朗基罗是文艺复兴时期的伟人之一。Michelangelo was one of the great figures of the Re- naissance.
- 米开朗基罗在度过他的时光时乱画就不会学习绘画。Michelangelo did not learn to paint by spending his time doodling.
- 米开朗基罗的这个杰作每年吸引120多万游客。The Michelangelo masterpiece attracts more than 1.2 million people every year.
- 他们中有米开朗基罗、莱奥纳多?达?芬奇、毕加索。For example, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso.
- 米开朗基罗是左撇子。伦那多·达芬奇也是。Michaelangelo was left-handed.So was Leonardo da Vinci.
- 我们都有自己特殊的手势;米开朗基罗极为特殊的绘画风格。We all have our own idiosyncratic gestures; Michelangelo's highly idiosyncratic style of painting.
- 我的手摸过米开朗基罗那鼓舞人心的英雄摩西雕塑石膏模I have passed my hands over a plaster cast of michelangelo's inspiring and heroic Moses
- 我的手摸过米开朗基罗。那鼓舞人心的英雄摩西雕塑石膏模;I have passed my hands over a plaster cast of Michelangelo's inspiring and heroic Moses;
- 他即将庆祝自己的500岁生日。他就是米开朗基罗的“大卫”雕像。He is about to celebrate his 500th birthday. He is Michelangelo's statue of David.
- 这些高解像的无价名作复制图,包括了莫内,达文西,林布兰特与米开朗基罗。The high resolution copies of priceless paintings included works by Monet, Da Vinci, Rembrandt, and Michelangelo.
- 罗丹是自米开朗基罗之后最著名的雕刻家:人们热爱罗丹,对米开朗基罗则只是尊敬。Rodin is the most famous sculptor since Michelangelo: people love Rodin, while Michelangelo is merely respected.
- 没有任何的画家或是雕刻家,即使是米开朗基罗,可以在生前拥有像毕加索一样的名声。No painter or sculptor, not even Michelangelo, had been as famous as this in his own lifetime.