- 环簇式塞式喷管在固体火箭发动机上应用探讨Application of annular clustered plug nozzle to solid rocket motor
- 液态烃。用容量式流量计系统测定容量Liquid hydrocarbons; Volumetric measurement by displacement meter systems other than dispensing pumps
- 差压式流量计干气体流量检测示值修正关系图Relationship of the Indication Correction for Dry Gas Flow Measurement of Differential Pressure Flowmeter
- 塞式喷管plug nozzle
- 容积式流量计有级容差调整在二维坐标系内的认识An Understanding on the Essence of Graded Error Adjustment of Volumeeic Flowmeter
- 柱塞式plunger type
- 差压补偿法在提高容积式流量计测量精度方面的应用Application of the Differential-pressure Compensation Method on Improvement of Sensitivity and Precision for Volumetric Flow Meter
- 转塞式rotoplug type
- 球塞式ball-and-spigot
- 示踪式流量计tracer flowmeter
- 插塞式plug type
- 用差压式流量计测量蒸汽流量时温度、压力补偿的实现及探讨Actualization and Discussion of Temperature and Pressure Compensation During Measurement of Steam Flowrate Using Pressure Differential Flowmeter
- 柱塞式泵ram type pump
- 分流旋翼式流量计shunt type current /turbo flowmeter
- 柱塞式灌装机liquid plunger filler
- 模拟接触式流量计simulate contact-type flowmeter
- 球塞式的ball and spigot
- 热线式流量计hot wire flow meter
- 球塞式马达ball piston motor
- 冲板式流量计plate floe-meter