- 管理部门将供应饮食.The management will provide food and drink.
- 管理management
- 工业社会的管理部门将不再集中于国家,而是集中于市民社会。The administrative institutions of industrial society would no longer be centralised in the state but rather in the institutions of civil society.
- 部门section
- 同伴进入三昧,闭关练功时,他们自动地供应饮食,担任警卫负责安全。When any one of them practiced and quietly entered into Samadhi condition, the others would voluntarily cook and guard for him.
- 管理部门将采用轮班工作制。The management is introducing a shift work.
- 管理器manager
- 资源管理器explorer
- 飞行途中我们将供应饮料。During the course of the flight we shall be serving drinks.
- 他将供应我们一台彩电。He will supply us a colour TV set.
- 这些汽车将供应给全国各地的人们。These cars will be supplied to people all over the country.
- 管理部门给这条船配置了有经验的人员。The management manned the ship with experienced hands.
- 其它阶段出现的不合格,由相关部门将信息传递给质量部.The relevant departments are responsible for transmitting information of non-conformities at other stages to the Quality Dept.
- 将供应符号添加到您的工作流程图中。Adds a suppliers symbol to your workflow flowchart.
- 国务院著作权行政管理部门主管全国的著作权管理工作。The copyright administration department under the State Council shall be responsible for the nationwide administration of copyright.
- 如有需要,有关部门将按程序,为公众取回交易详细纪录和提供副本。The relevant departments will follow their procedures to provide transaction details to users, as applicable.
- 每次洁净鱼缸时,须将供应水和空气至鱼缸的所有喉管彻底清洁,并用清水冲洗。All pipes for the supply of water and air to fish tanks should be thoroughly cleansed and rinsed with clean water during cleansing of fish tanks each time.
- 此事你必须得到管理部门准许。You'll have to clear it with management.
- 房产管理部门housing/building property management department
- 他的部门将和我的合并。His department will merge with mine.