- 管不住这些孩子了.The children are out of control.
- 管不住这些孩子了。The children are out of control.
- 这些孩子太小,音乐会时间长他们就坐不住了。The children are too young to sit through a long concert.
- 什么人权、民权问题,都管不住这个问题。Human rights and democratic rights are not related to this question.
- 这些these
- 不住repeatedly
- 艾丽斯很难管住这些孩子,因为孩子太多了。Alice was having trouble controlling the children because there were so many of them.
- 看他们那股真刀真枪的架式可不像开玩笑,管不了这么多,上吧!They awesome thing to see the demeanor may not joking, nothing so much on!
- "母亲需要休假。你是知道的,这些孩子们的确让她忙得不可开交了。""Mother needs a holiday: the children do run her feet, you know."
- 6杯威士忌下肚,哈里两腿站不住了。特德说:“你醉了,我还是为你叫一辆出租车吧。”After six whiskies Harry was finding it difficult to stay on his feet. "You're as pissed as a newt, " Ted said, "I'd better get you to a taxi."
- 这孩子非常淘气,连他父亲都管不了他。The child is very naughty and even his father cannot manage him.
- 记不住这些词了。The words escaped from memory .
- 只要历史证明中国社会主义制度的优越性就够了,别国的社会制度如何我们管不了。We shall be satisfied if history proves the superiority of the Chinese socialist system. Whether the social systems of other countries are good or bad is not our business.
- 只有一位有经验的人老师才能管教住这些孩子。Only an experienced teacher could get the children under control.
- 我管不住孩子们。I can't handle children.
- 我们不能对这些孩子要求太高了,毕竟,他们已经尽了全力。We can't expect too much of these children.After all, they have tried their best.
- 管不住的小孩a child who could not be governed.
- 她管不住自己的小组。She has no control over her team.
- 他开始懂得要想抵挡住这些侵扰,最好的办法是慢慢驯服媒体这头紧逼不放的野兽。He is beginning to understand that his best hope for keeping these intrusions at bay is to slowly tame the beast that stalks him? ? the media.
- 看到这样的好天气,男孩子在屋里呆不住了。Seeing such fine weather,the boys could scarcely keep in.