- 算卦tell fortunes
- 就把别林斯基夫人给算卦的事忘得一干二净了,I forgot all about Madam Bellinsky
- 他只是一时走背运,却被这个算卦的人告知是有鬼神祸祟。He was just unlucky for a while, but the fortune-teller said that there was some ghost haunting him.
- 史密斯先生是法学博士。Mr. Smith is a Doctor of Laws.
- 怀特先生主持每周一次的电视讨论节目。Mr. White moderated on a weekly panel show.
- 竹/条上面的字是农历天干地支的60甲子内的年份和五行(,木,金,火,土)我猜它们是算卦或占卜用的。Words on those sticks are lunar year names which represents Tian Gan Di Zhi, and Wu Xing( water, tree, gold, fire, earth). I guess they were used for Suan Gua.
- 史密斯先生是这个镇上有权势的人物。Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town.
- 竹/木条上面的字是农历天干地支的60甲子内的年份和五行(水,木,金,火,土)。我猜它们是算卦或占卜用的。Words on those sticks are lunar year names which represents Tian Gan Di Zhi, and Wu Xing (water, tree, gold, fire, earth). I guess they were used for Suan Gua.
- 佩恩先生要求我帮助他。Mr. Paine made a request that I should help him.
- 你怎敢对这位老先生无礼?How dare you use freedoms with this elderly gentleman?
- 史密斯先生被指定为警察局长。Mr. Smith was tapped for police commissioner.
- 我昨天偶然碰上史密斯先生。I dropped across Mr. Smith yesterday.
- 对不起,你是托尼赖德先生吗?Excuse me. Are you Mr. Tony Ryder?
- 请派人把这张条子送给哈里森先生。Please have this note sent to Mr. Harrison.
- 史密斯先生闷闷不乐地喝完了茶。Mr. Smith finished his tea in very low spirits.
- 正视事实吧,先生!Face the facts, sir!
- 是, 先生.Yes, monsieur.
- 铃木先生想请您们办理专利登记。Mr. Suzuki would like to reguest your services in registering a patent.
- 托夫勒先生患肺病。Mr. Toffler has a lung condition.