- 简单重复序列间PCRinter-simple sequence repeat PCR
- 简单重复序列间ISSR
- 5’锚定PCR技术5'anchor PCR
- 定to set
- 简单重复序列间区ISSR
- 简单重复序列区间ISSR ( Inter Simple Sequence Repeat)
- 重复to repeat
- 简单重复序列标记simple .sequence repeat marker
- 锚定PCRanchor PCR
- 简单重复序列间扩增ISSR
- 简并锚定微卫星-PCRSSR-anchored PCR
- 简单重复序列(SSR)Simple sequence repeats (SSR)
- 我同你们简单重复合约内容。Good.I'll tell you briefly about the terms of the agreement.
- 锚定聚合酶链反应用于扩增人基因组DNA未知序列Application of anchored polymerase chain reaction in analysing human genomic DNA unknown sequences
- 简单重复,乍看起来很容易,其实不然。Simply repeate doing something is not so easy as it appears to be.
- Alu重复序列Alu family
- 简单重复,应该成为我们的一个信念和教条。To do things of simple repetition should make a belief, a faith and a dogma for us.
- 重复序列repetitive sequence
- 简单重复的前提是,你接受这个朴素的观念,观念就是实力,实力就是一切。The idea is based upon the fact that you accept this simple concept. An idea is SHI LI, and SHI LI is everything.