- 在加速条件下塑料形状和重量变化的测试方法Determination of Weight and Shape Changes of Plastics Under Accelerated Service Conditions
- 曲线(n) curved shape
- 重量weight
- 重量变化率weight rate
- 日变化曲线diurnal variation curve
- 重量变化测定weight change determination
- 与时间相对应的呼吸商、通气量、主观疲劳度变化曲线左移;The changing curve of RER , VE and RPE corresponding to time left moved;
- 重量变化指示器weight change indicator
- 等温isothermy
- 曲线的curvilinear
- 恒温重量变化测定isothermal weight-change determination
- 他的容貌有了明显的变化。There was a noticeable transformation in his appearance.
- 标准曲线specification curve
- 恒压重量变化测定isobaric weight-change determination
- 曲线拟合curve fitting
- 鹿茸精对小鼠子宫重量变化的影响Effect of Pantocrine on the Change of Uterine Weight of Mice
- 用相域迁移法绘制河流基准面变化曲线--以苏里格气田为例Making Curves of Base Level Changes by Facies Series Shift Method--An example of Sulige gas field
- 等温挤出发泡塑料泡体密度变化的研究Research of Foam Density Change in the Process of Freely Extruding Foam in Isothermal Condition
- 重量单位maund
- 拟合曲线fitting curve