- 排气歧管.the exhaust manifold
- 管pipe
- 这些废气进入排气歧管。The gases pass into the exhaust manifold.
- 排气歧管罩exhaust manifold cover
- 歧管manifold
- 添加Mo型高耐热性和高加工性汽车排气歧管用不锈钢的开发Development of High Refractoriness and High Machinability Stainless Steel with Mo-adding Type Applied in Automobile Exhaust Manifold
- 积洼是全部燃料蒸发得不充分和进气歧管类似影响的结果。The pudding results from the failure of all the fuel to vaporize and from the sorting effect of the intake manifold.
- 中硅钼耐热蠕墨铸铁排气歧管材质和工艺探讨Discussion About Material and Technique of Si-Mo Heat-Resistant Vermicular Iron Exhaust Manifold
- 进气歧管induction manifold
- 排气歧管exhaust collector
- 在标准的六缸直列式发动机上,化油器被设置在进气歧管上3号和4号缸之间。On a typical in-line six-cylinder engine the carburetor is located on the intake manifold between cylinder 3 and 4.
- 一种由管道组成的用来运输煤气到内燃机的每个气缸中的歧管。a manifold consisting of a pipe to carry fuel to each cylinder in an internal-combusition engine.
- 排汽歧管Exhaust manifolds
- 进汽歧管Intake manifolds
- 旁通歧管bypass manifold
- 歧管档块manifold Block
- 主歧管main manifold
- 歧管垫密片manifold gasket
- 歧管阀manifold valves