- 住宿:第戎郁金香酒店Hotel Of Jura Tulip Inn
- 第戎法国东部里昂北边的一个城市。它是一个工业中心和运输中心,其食品(包括芥末和黑茶)很有名。人口140,942。A city of eastern France north of Lyons. It is an industrial center and a transportation hub noted for its foodstuffs,including mustard and cassis. Population,140,942.
- 住宿:第戎金色郁金香酒店Tulip Inn Dijon Le Jura Hotel
- 第戎法国东部里昂北边的一个城市。它是一个工业中心和运输中心,其食品(包括芥末和黑茶)很有名。人口140,942A city of eastern France north of Lyons. It is an industrial center and a transportation hub noted for its foodstuffs, including mustard and cassis. Population,140, 942.
- 芥末mustard
- 戎weapon
- 赫敏同她的父母也曾在暑假期间到法国旅游,至少曾在第戎驻足(《凤凰社》第20章)。Hermione also took a trip to France with her parents during one summer holiday, which included at least a stop in Dijon (OP20).
- 第几which
- 及第pass an imperial examination
- 芥末尽管使用Don't spare the mustard.
- 勃艮第burgundy
- 加点芥末调味to season some mustard
- 落第fail in an imperial examination
- 辣芥末hot mustard
- 犬戎name of a barbarian tribe to the west in ancient times
- 芥末膏可以使人发热。a mustard plaster is calefacient.
- 开往布赖顿市的火车在第几站台?Which platform does the Brighton train leave from?
- 戎司SONG: Military Office of a Prefecture
- 芥末粉mustard meal
- 戎右ZHOU: chariot defenseman