- 调整环处于定子端部时,可以实现定子纵向振动与扭转振动一阶固有频率的调谐。When the adjusting ring is at the end of the stator, the first eigenfrequencies of longitudinal and torsional vibrations are of degeneration.
- 第一first
- 方程(4-198)给出了一级近似下的固有振动频率的改变量。Equation(4-198)yields a first approximation for the change in the natural frequency of vibration.
- 第一阶primary
- 第一阶波散滤波器first-order dispersive filter
- 方程(4-198)给出了一级近似下的固有振动频率的改变量。Equation (4-198) yields a first approximation for the change in the natural frequency of vibration.
- 第一次first
- 企业管理心理教练第一阶Business psychology trainer technique primary
- 频率frequency
- 振动vibration
- 第一个first
- 第一章chapter one
- 固有振动频率eigentone
- 并在FACOM-M160计算机上进行振动特性的计算,得出系统的前25阶固有频率、绘制了对应的振型图。The calculation of vibration parameters was carried out on a FACOM-M16o computer. The highest frequency of the system evaluated is up to 25th order and the associated model patterns are plotted.
- 第二阶的公司包含其年营业额明显低于第一阶的这三家公司。然而其年营业额仍有千万美元以上The second tier includes companies whose turnover is significantly lower than the leading three. However, these companies still have an annual turnover of tens of millions of dollars
- 振动频率oscillation frequency
- 较大型的第一阶供应商承诺,他们已经建立EDI系统和考虑他们拥有的专业技术,是很更难去解释的。The compliance of the larger first-tier suppliers, which have established EDI systems and considerable expertise of their own, is harder to explain.
- 变刚度预应力简支梁桥固有振动分析Natural Vibration Analysis for a Simply Supported Girder Bridge with Varying Rigidity and Prestressing Force
- 研究表明,压电元件的刚度和惯量对梁的频率影响很大,变截面智能压电梁的一阶固有频率总是高于等截面梁的固有频率。It is shown that the effects of the stiffness and inertia of the piezoelectric element that lead to higher first natural frequency on the natural frequencies of the beam are significant, and that of the elastic modulus of the bonding layer is small.
- 劲性索、桁架拱结构固有振动的相似性Similarities in natural vibration of stiff cable structures and truss arch structures