- 烦feel vexed
- 烦死了be bored to death
- 鼻窒chronic rhinitis
- 烦死bored; boring
- 试订五部,请告价格及有关事窒。Have five unit as trial order please advise price and other term involve.
- 耐烦patient (adjective)
- 窒层main fault
- 窒碍have obstacles; be obstructed
- 别烦我。Don't bother me.
- 窒热stuffy; oppressive
- 窒塞stop up; block
- 不要烦我啦,你们大家这样一哄我,搞得我晕头转向啦。Let me alone. I don't know whether I'm on my head or my heels when you all start on me like this.
- 闷窒suffocating; close
- 他把我烦死了。He wearied me to death.
- 气窒[医] chokes
- 她唠叨得把他烦死。She nagged him to death.
- 惩忿窒欲guard against losing one's temper and repress one's sexual passion; curb one's temper and desires; quiet anger and control one's passion
- 我对每周都要加班烦透了,我希望能有个常日班的工作。I'm fed up with working overtime every week and wish I had an ordinary nine-to-five job.
- 窒层系main fault system
- 一只苍蝇总在烦我。A fly keeps annoying.