- 霭cloudy sky
- 黄昏时湖上笼罩着霭。At evening the lake hazed over.
- 白浓霭smokes
- 霭滴mist droplet
- 霭暮evening haze
- 和霭地genially
- 和霭可亲affable
- 和霭可亲的simpatico
- 团团的雾、 霭、 云等.patchy fog, mist, cloud, etc
- 微雨霭芳原, 春鸠鸣何处?..Mists have wet the fragrant meadows; A spring dove calls from some hidden place.
- 微雨霭芳原,春鸠鸣何处?..Mists have wet the fragrant meadows; A spring dove calls from some hidden place.
- 他举止大方,文质彬彬,和霭可亲。He is composed, urbane, and affable.
- 吴霭仪议员动议下列议案,并向本局发言Right of abode Miss Margaret NG moved the following motion and addressed the Council
- ?拙菽阏?鲆馐冻〉模?谖抑皇歉霭叩恪What in your case occupies the entire field of consciousness, is a mere speck in mine.
- 郭霭春《黄帝内经素问校注语译》的训诂成就Guo Aichun's exegetic achievement in"Collation, Annotation and Translation of Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine - Plain Questions
- 那年轻的行人在玫瑰色的朝霭中从大路上来了。The young traveller came along the road in the rosy mist of the morning.
- 再一次,我握起了手,张开却一无所有,除了一片薄霭。And again i closed my hand, and when i opened it there was naught but mist.
- 斯洛泼太太和霭可亲,举止优雅,修养高超,并善于交际。Mrs. Sloper was amiable, graceful, accomplished, elegant.
- 在疲倦时光的日霭中,你广大的幻象在天空的蔚蓝中显现!In the sunny haze of the languid hours, what vast vision of thine takes shape in the blue of the sky!
- 远处的巴蒂丹山沉浸在一派蓝茫茫的幕霭之中,轮廓朦胧。Mount Battie without losing its definition would take on a blue luminosity.