- 这家人突遭横祸。Misfortune lighted upon the family.
- 突遭解聘To get the grand Bounce
- 意外领导者:当你突遭变故时怎么做The Accidental Leader: What to Do When You're Suddenly in Charge
- 突遭恶运命运的突然一击,尤指恶运A sudden stroke of fortune, especially of bad luck.
- 突to dash
- 第一任使节为香港首任布政司布鲁司爵士,他奉命前往北京呈递国书,但途经大沽突遭炮轰,于是一八五九至六零年间,战火再起。The first British envoy, Sir Frederick Bruce, who had been the first Colonial Secretary in Hong Kong, was fired on at Taku (Dagu) Bar on his way to Peking to present his credentials, and hostilities were renewed from 1859-60.
- 周遭arround; round; about
- 突触synapse
- 轴突neuraxon
- 我们遭此惨败怨谁呢?Who do we have to thank for this fiasco?
- 她遭人轻视。She was treated with disdain.
- 突现appear
- 他被指控犯武装抢劫罪而遭逮捕。He was arrested on a charge of armed robbery.
- “东突”恐怖分子"Eastern Turkistan" terrorist
- 你的话会遭非议。Your statement is liable to exception.
- 树突neurodendrite
- 遭破坏go to pot
- 突突thumping
- 这棵大树遭雷击时被劈开了。The huge tree split when struck by lightning.
- 天突t'ien tu