- 讨论的主题是新闻审查制度。The main theme of discussion was press censorship.
- 突击队员用木炭把脸涂黑。The commandos blackened their faces with charcoal.
- 审查新闻是违反宪法的。It is not constitutional to censor the press.
- 突击梯队Assault Echelon
- 该影片被审查官员禁止上映。The film came under the ban of censor.
- 希特勒的突击部队在敦刻尔克港(法国)海边完全停止不前了。Hitler's sudden attacks come to a grinding halt at the water's edge in Dunkirk.
- 审查属实。The fact was established after investigation.
- 空中突击air strike
- 第七十一条 审查与修订Article 71 Review and Amendment
- 突击战术[行动]shock tactics
- 他们把那录音送来给我们预先审查。They sent the recording for our preview.
- 少数突击队员能悄悄越过敌方的防线。Only a handful of commandos could infiltrate into the enemy's defensive positions.
- 突击队员于拂晓时袭击了前哨基地。The commandos attacked the outpost at dawn.
- 预先审查电视节目to precensor a television programme
- 提案审查报告a deliberative speech
- 我们立即组成突击小组轮班进行堤坝的抢修工作。We immediately organized into shock groups to work by shifts on repairing the dyke.
- 政府对新闻媒体施行审查制度。The government imposed censorship on the press.
- 突击巡视impromptu visit
- 有两个镜头被审查员剪掉了.Two scenes were cut by the censor.
- 突击以图冲破包围,突围to sally out in attempt to break the siege