- 空军中校布赖恩 穆尔Wing Commander Brian Moore
- n. 皇家空军中校Wg.Cdr.
- 空军联队指挥官;[英]空军中校wing commander
- (鲍勃?)亨特空军中校.W/Cdr (Bob) Hunt
- 中校Lieutenant Colonel
- 该歌手由杰拉尔德·穆尔钢琴伴奏。The singer was accompanied at the piano by Gerald Moore.
- 布赖恩令女孩子着迷。Brian has a fascination for girls.
- 后来穆尔奋力反击,重新夺回了比赛中的领先地位。Moore fought back to retake the lead later in the race.
- 在生命过程中-布赖恩Once in a Life - Brian BecVar
- 空军轰炸了两个城镇。The airforce bombed two towns.
- 从海军退伍之前,他是个中校。Before his retirement from the navy, he was a commander.
- 达德利.穆尔因《亚瑟》一剧的成功而获得评奖委员会的最佳演员的提名。Dudley Moore received an Academy Award nomination as Best Actor for his work in Arthur.
- “喝杯茶,布赖恩?”“好哇。”'Tea, Brian?' 'I wouldn't say no.'
- 空军是武装部队的一种。The air force is one of the armed forces.
- “喝杯茶吧,布赖恩?”“好的。”'Cup of tea, Brian?' 'I don't mind if I do.'
- 空军部队奉命加强巡逻。Air force units have been ordered to intensify their patrols.
- 陆军中校lieut.col.
- 我喜欢布赖恩,但我们从不是密友。The one you like best. I like Brian, but we had never been close friends.
- 他在一支美国空军部队里服役。He services in a squadron of US Air Force.
- 布赖恩要去杂货店买几个老鼠夹。Bryan is going to buy several mouse traps in the grocery shop.