- 稽察inspection
- 稽察钱局QING: Inspector of Provincial Coinage Services
- 基本上,董事必须高瞻远瞩,从第三者的身分衡量公司的竞争能力和商业成效;也要仔细查察公司内部各部门的工作。Essentially, directors need to look outwards, beyond the company, seeing the business in its competitive, commercial context. They must also look inwards at the component parts of the company.
- 稽察证investigation certificate
- 稽察组inspection group
- 察observe
- 细查scan
- 稽察监管inspection and oversight
- 查字典consult a dictionary
- 理查Richard
- 稽察制度audit system
- 查杀killing
- 察言观色try to read somebody's face
- 监查inspect
- 稽inspect
- 速查fast check
- 查表table search
- 专项稽察special inspection
- 查到find
- 查寻look up