- 银silver
- 镀银silver plating
- 银联Unionpay
- 银的silvern
- 银饰silver ornament
- 第一流的科幻小说作家an ace science fiction writer
- 银监会Banking Supervision Commission
- 银丝filamentary silver
- 她用银匙喝汤。She ate soup with a silver spoon.
- 银粉aluminum powder
- 银箔silver leaf
- 此地无银三百两A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence.
- 银盘galactic disk
- 这把汤匙是纯银的。This spoon is solid silver.
- 银条bullion
- 她将餐厅内的银制器皿擦得雪亮。She scoured the silver in the dining hall.
- 银胶fulmargin
- 银联卡interchanger
- 盐可使银失去光泽。Salt tarnishes silver.
- 银监局BRC