- 埃米尔emir
- 科威特的埃米尔the Emir of Kuwait
- 埃米尔高级铸铁Thysen-Emmel
- 科威特历史history of Kuwait
- 以埃米尔·左拉的方式的。in the manner of Emile Zola.
- 科威特首都,波斯湾的一个海港。a seaport on the Persian Gulf and capital of Kuwait.
- 蒂森-埃米尔高级铸铁Thysen-Emmel
- 他声称受到科威特安全部队的严刑拷问,包括被拔甲等。He has claimed he was tortured by Kuwaiti security forces, including having his fingernails pulled out.
- 信士们的长官;穆民的埃米尔Amir al-Mu'minin
- 属于或关于科威特首都或其居民的。of or relating to the capital of Kuwait or its residents.
- 科威特蕴藏着丰富的石油资源。Kuwait is rich in oil resources.
- 埃米尔决不是个傻瓜,他不会大喝特喝"Emile is no mug, and he will not drink Bard."
- 科威特基本货币单位。the basic unit of money in Kuwait; equal 1,000 fils.
- 内政国务部长:埃米尔·博加·杜杜Minister of state for the interior and decentralization: emile boga doudou
- 科威特第纳尔Kuwaiti Dinar
- 男主角埃米尔·赫斯基特定场景评论音轨Scene Specific Commentary by Emile Hirsch
- 科威特电台Daily News from Radio Kuwait
- 这是一次强奸,但是这点对于埃米尔来说不重要。It was a rape but this was not important to the Emir.
- 科威特使用的货币单位。monetary unit in Kuwait.
- 青年和体育部长:勒内·埃米尔·卡博雷Minister of youth and sports: rene emile kabore