- 种植plant
- 牙齿种植dental implant
- 我有一颗牙齿松动了。I have got a loose tooth.
- 种植面积planting area
- 他的牙齿像犬牙一样向外凸出。His teeth protrude like fangs.
- 种植者planter
- 糖果会蛀蚀牙齿。Sweets can decay the teeth.
- 他们在山上种植松树。They forested the mountains with pine trees.
- 他通常用牙齿叼着一支雪茄。He usually has a cigar vised in his teeth.
- 马铃薯在世界许多地区都有种植。Potato grows in many parts of the world.
- 她牙齿有缺缝。She had gaps in her teeth.
- 我们种植多种不同的蔬菜。We grow a lot of different vegetables.
- 她的牙齿洁白而整齐。Her teeth were white and even.
- 他们种植长纤维棉花。They grow cotton of long staple.
- 我的牙齿蛀了两个洞。My tooth has bored through two caves.
- 种植基地planting base
- 人会首先丧失其幻想、继而失其牙齿、最后才失掉愚行。A man lose his illusion first, his teeth second, and his folly last.
- 我母亲有高超的种植技能,能在小花园中种出任何东西。My mother's got green fingers and she can grow anything in her small garden.
- 长牙牙齿突然从牙床里长出The emergence of a tooth through the gums.
- 葡萄种植者wine growers