- 种子seed
- 瓶bottle
- 水瓶water bottle
- 水瓶座aquarius
- 一瓶jarful
- 种子的seminal
- 不影响作物种子without harming crop seeds
- 气瓶air bottle
- 一定数量的种子a quantity of seeds
- 小瓶pyxis
- 这里的农民一年播一次种子。The farmers here sow once a year.
- 香水瓶scent-bottle
- 金瓶gold urn
- 种子用撒播法下种。The seeds were sown broadcast.
- 锥形瓶conical beaker
- 农夫在地里播上小麦种子。The farmer sowed the field with wheat.
- 塑料瓶plastic bottle
- 种子植物spermatophyte
- 宝瓶座water bearer
- 种子发芽需要水和温度。Seeds need water and warmth to germinate.