- 此附呈档案含盖我所书写的药师心咒及其种子字?恕The file attached contains my calligraphy of the heart mantra and the seed word Hong.
- 文字character
- 此附呈档案含盖我所书写的药师心咒及其种子字吽。The file attached contains my calligraphy of the heart mantra and the seed word Hong.
- 字letter
- 种子seed
- 八字character 8
- 全字匹配match whole word only
- 拼字spelling
- 种子的seminal
- 双字double word
- 不影响作物种子without harming crop seeds
- 红字rubrication
- 一定数量的种子a quantity of seeds
- 印字lettering
- 这里的农民一年播一次种子。The farmers here sow once a year.
- 大字majuscule
- 丁字t-shaped
- 种子用撒播法下种。The seeds were sown broadcast.
- 字元character
- 农夫在地里播上小麦种子。The farmer sowed the field with wheat.