- 私人教授法语.have private tuition in French
- 她由私人教授法语。She received private tuition in French.
- 学校里有好几位英文老师,不过珍妮依然干自己的行当,教授法语和德语。There are several English teachers at the school, but Jeanne continues to plough a lonely furrow, teaching French and German.
- 她周末给私人教授英语。She gives private English lessons at weekends.
- 生病期间,她在家接受私人教授的辅导。She was tutored at home during her illness.
- 教授university professor
- 私人private
- 生病期间,她在家接受私人教授的辅导。She was tutored at home during her illness.
- 私人的private
- 教授的professorial
- 奥利佛勉强通过了法语考试。Oliver squeaked through the French examination.
- 大学教授prof.
- 私人物品personal effects
- 露西会说法语吗?Does Lucy speak French?
- 他已掌握了法语。He has acquired mastery of French.
- 私人企业private enterprise
- 助理教授assistant professor
- 我的法语有些荒疏了。My French is a bit rusty.
- 去法国以前你必须把法语温习一下。You need to furbish up your French before you go to France.
- 私人事情clothesline