- 从瑞典引进种猪中检出禽型结核病猪Detection of Avian Tuberculosis Infected Animals in the Breeding Pigs Imported From Sweden
- 不同剂量牛型和禽型提纯结核菌素对奶牛结核病皮内变态反应的影响Effect of bovine and avian purified tuberculins in different doses on cow tuberculin reaction
- 甲型流感病毒influenza A virus
- 我们在湖北的J猪汤、M猪场接种牛型结核菌(10,000IU/头)和禽型结核菌素(2,500IU),均发现牛型结核菌素阳性猪。In Hubei,pigs were vaccinated with bovine type PPD(10,000 IU/pig) and avian type PPD(2500 IU/pig) in J and M pig farms,and the bovine type PPD-positive pigs in both of these two pig farms.
- 乙型流感Influenza B virus
- 型的thysanuriform
- 禽birds
- 甲型流感Vaccinum Influenzae Vivum
- 甲3型流感A3 influenza
- 外型exterior
- 户型house type
- 笔型pen type
- 选型lectotype
- 整型integer
- A型流感病毒RNA聚合酶及其对基因组复制和转录的调控作用Function of RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase of Influenza A Virus on the Regulation of Viral Genome Replication and Transcription
- 房型house type
- 运动型motile
- 小型汽车roadlouse
- 基因型genotype
- 表型phenotype