- 北京康拓医疗仪器有限公司技改项目。Reconstruction Project of Beijing Kangtuo Medical Treatment Equipment Ltd.
- 康peaceful
- 拓make rubbing
- 福特Ford
- 尼康Nikon
- 福特汽车Ford louse
- 必和必拓BHP Billiton
- 福特制Fordism
- 氟康唑Fluconazole
- 拓印rubbing
- 博福特Beaufort
- 拓朴topology
- 我认为他们要是买辆福特牌汽车,他们的存款就可以用得更有价值。I felt they could have put their savings to better use by buying a Ford.
- 阿康酸onic acid
- "西福特" 卫星West Ford
- 填海拓地redeen land from the sea
- 阿康酸盐aconate
- 康康舞cancan
- 奥福特法orford process
- 拓制facsimile reproduction