- 雪梨中心援助东帝汶岛战争受害者Relief for war victims of East Timor by Sydney Center
- 福岛危机天天都是美国报纸上的头版消息和电视上的重要新闻。The Falklands crisis was front page news and the lead story for television in America every day.
- 福岛核电站Fukushima Nuclear Power Station
- 战争war
- 英国根本不会在他们侵占福岛后在军事上进行反攻。The British would never react militarily to the invasion of the islands.
- 现在居住所(阪神福岛站大楼)迁移大阪办公室The Osaka office was moved.(Hanshin-Fukushima Station Building)
- 战争的martial
- 朝鲜战争Korean war
- 主枝和枝组距离对福岛短枝红富士苹果品质的影响Effects on Quality of Main Branches and Branch Groups of Fuji Apples
- 发动战争warring
- 岛的insular
- 独立战争War of Independence
- 小岛isle
- 全面战争a general war
- 越南战争Vietnam war
- 塞班岛Saipan
- 战争时期in time of war
- 普吉岛Puji Island
- 1939年战争爆发时,她的父母在国外,他们直到战争结束时才能返家。Her parents were abroad when the balloon went up in1939 and they could not return home until the war was over.
- 环岛rotary island; roundabout