- 列福尔马茨基反应Reformatsky reaction
- 度standard
- 尔so
- 浊度turbidness
- 雷福尔马茨基试剂Reformatsky reagent
- 水质指标单位中,CFU为菌落形成单位数NTU为浊度表示单位。In the indices, CFU is Colony Formating Unit, NTU is the unit for turbidity.
- 卡尔 - 赫茨勒在他的家乡麻萨诸塞州福尔里弗遐迩闻名。Karl Hetzler is well known in his hometown of Fall River, Mass.
- 用巴尔马干酪调制的茄子eggplant parmigiana.
- 浊度计nephelometer
- 半小时之后,所有姓福尔赛的人都将有一种水流花谢之感。After that half-hour all bearers of the Forsyte name would feel the bloom was off the rose.
- 比浓浊度reduced turbidity
- 位于爱琴海和马尔马拉海之间的一个海峡,它将欧洲和亚洲土耳其分离。the strait between the Aegean and the Sea of Marmara that separates European from Asian Turkey.
- 西福尔丘陵Vesffold Hills
- 标准浊度液standard turbidity solution
- 浊度滴定turbidimetric titration
- 反福尔赛人anti-Forsytes
- 比尼亚德尔马协定Vina del Mar Agreement
- 浊度标turbidity scale
- 坎波福尔米奥条约Campo Formio, Treaty of