- 禁止在大街上吐痰.No spitting on the street.
- 禁止在大街上吐痰。No spitting on the street.
- 虽然可以在该市街道上吐痰,但禁止在该市人行道上吐痰。Though you may spit on a city roadway, spitting on city sidewalks is prohibited.
- 我只在大街上跟他打了个招呼,我们谈什么重要的事情。I only passed the time of day with him on the street. We didn't talk about anything important.
- 这个国家有法律规定不让在大街上吐痰吗?Is there a law against spitting in the street in this country?
- 我只在大街上跟他打了个招呼,我们没谈什么重要的事情。I only passed the time of day with him on the street. We didn't talk about anything important.
- 中国禁止在奥运期间水底随地吐痰Official: Don't spit at the Olympics
- "头天晚上挂在大街上的小灯笼,在节日过后就要放到海中去。""The tiny lanterns which had been hung in the streets the night before, are placed into the sea when the festival is over."
- 请不要在人行道上吐痰。Please refrain from spitting on the sidewalk.
- 有一条禁止在电车上吐痰的法律。There is a law against spitting in streetcars.
- 别让那条狗在大街上随便乱跑。Don't let the dog run free on the main road.
- 禁止在池内或周围包括排水栅等处吐痰或小便。Spitting or urination in the pool including the drainage gutters is strictly forbidden.
- 欢欣的人群在大街上跳起了舞。The exultant crowds were dancing in the streets.
- 他走在大街上前呼后拥的。He walked in the street with escorts in front and behind.
- 禁止在公共场所随地吐痰、大声喧哗。自觉排队。吃饭时不要说话。Don't spit or talk loudly in public places. Wait in line. Eat quietly.
- 他们在大街上闹事。They rioted in the streets.
- 他在公共汽车上吐痰了。He spat in the bus .
- 在大街上被刺身亡to be slain in the street
- 可怜的怀特先生昨天突然死在大街上。Poor Mr White dropped dead in the street yesterday.
- 别在人行道上吐痰。Don't spit on the sidewalk.