- 祸福无门,唯人自召There is no highroad to happiness or misfortune; every man brings them on himself
- 祸福无门, 唯人自召[招]。There is no highroad to happiness or misfortune; every man brings them on himself.; Fortunes or misfortunes are all created by man himself.
- 祸福无门, 唯人自招。every man brings them on himself.Fortunes or misfortunes are all created by man himself.
- 自定义user-defined
- 门door
- 自oneself
- 天生万物,唯人为贵。Humans are the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters.
- 召(surname)
- 报人journalist
- 出门be away from home
- 埃及人Egyptian
- 自慰console oneself
- 门的portal
- 唯美aestheticism
- 白种人white
- 自拍autodyne
- 强人strong man
- 自恋narcissism
- 人渣scouring
- 他们有话想说又时而感到欲说无门。They have something to say,yet often feel the channels are lacking.