- 节的nodulated
- 父亲节father's day
- 七夕节Chinese Valentine's Day
- 客家祭祖ancestor-worshipping celebration of Hakka
- 植树节Tree Planting Day
- 尊祖祭祖respecting or offering a sacrifice to ancestors
- 第一节first segment
- 巴金嘉兴祭祖Ba Jin's Homage to Ancestors in Jiaxing
- 一节Length
- 祭神祭祖乐舞辞dance of fete
- 节流throttle (down)
- “寻根祭祖”游" origin searching and ancestry sacrificing" tour
- 分节符section break
- 中国人的网上祭祖Ancestor worship a mouse click away in China
- 双节棍nunchakus
- 叶赫满族祭祖礼钩沉The Ceremony for Offering a Sacrifice to Ancestors of Yehe Manzu
- 万向节gimbal
- 论元杂剧中的扫墓祭祖习俗On the Custom of Tomb-sweeping and Ancestor Worship in Yuanzaju
- 节节successively
- 各个地区在冬至这一天还有祭天祭祖的习俗。On the day of winter solstice, there is also the tradition of worshiping the God or ancestors.