- 神经X线照相术neurography
- 用中子射线照相术测Hg_(1-x)Cd_xTe中的镉分布Neutron Radiography as a Tool for Cadmium Distribution Measurement in Hg_(1-x)Cd_xTe Single-Crystals
- 神经系统X射线检查X-Ray Examination of Nervous System
- X射线照相术radiography
- x射线衍射显微术x ray diffraction microscopy
- γ射线照相术γ-radiography
- 同步辐射X射线白光形貌术Synchrotron radiation X-ray white-beam topography
- 射线照相术diography
- 具原子分辨率的X射线全息术X-ray Fluorescence Holography with Atomic Resolution
- X射线照相技术X - ray radiography
- 迂体输卵管x线照相术stereosalpingography
- 对晶体质量的鉴定主要是通过红外吸收谱和干涉仪检查及X射线形貌术来完成的.The crystal quality determination is made mainly through IR absorption spectrum, interfrometer detection and X-ray morphology.
- 闪光x射线照相flash radiography
- 用脑照相术所拍摄的大脑的X光照片an x-ray picture of the brain taken by encephalography
- 同步辐射X射线形貌术在宝石学中的应用Application of Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Topography in Gemmology
- 土壤样品的X射线照相法Standard Test Methods for X-Ray Radiography of Soil Samples
- X射线显微照相术microradiography
- 计算机化断层x射线照相法computed tomography
- 心血管造影术,注射射线不能穿透物体后用X射线检查心脏和有关血管examination of the heart and associated blood vessels using x-rays following the injection of a radiopaque substance
- 射线照相(术)radiography