- 一般认为,《红楼梦》中有三个神话,即石头神话、神瑛侍者与绛珠仙草的神话、太虚幻境的神话。Usually, the researchers think there are three mythologies in A Dream of Red Mansions, i.e. the stone mythology, the Shenying Servent and Jiangzhu Grass mythology and the fairyland mythology.
- 侍者waiter
- 那位侍者好几次弄错了我们点的菜。The waiter stumbled several times over our order.
- 请侍者算帐。Ask the waiter to compute the bill.
- 没等我把咖啡喝完,侍者就匆匆地把我的杯子收了起来。The waiter whipped away my cup before I'd finished my coffee.
- 他跟侍者结了账。He settled up with the waiter.
- 她付给侍者小费。She feed the waiter.
- 我给侍者两块钱小费。I tipped the waiter two dollars.
- 那醉汉捻手指招呼侍者。The drunk snapped his fingers for a waiter.
- 服务员或侍者A steward or butler.
- 他向侍者打了个手势。She motioned to the waiter.
- 侍者把乞丐赶出饭店。The waiter winkled the beggar out of the restaurant.
- 女侍者收到了数量可观的小费。The waitress received a handsome tip.
- 那个醉汉撞在侍者怀里。The drunk man cannoned into a waiter.
- 我们由一名彬彬有礼的侍者带领进去。We were ushered in by a polite waiter.
- 侍者把重新斟满的酒杯放在咖啡几上。The waiter set down refills on a coffee table.
- 给侍者小费是一种习俗。It is customary to tip the waiter.
- 女侍者waiting maid
- 他向侍者示意。He motioned to the waiter.
- 他召唤侍者过来。He called the waiter over.