- 灰姑娘记起神仙教母的警告,便匆忙地逃离城堡。Cinderella remembered her fairy godmother's warning and ran from the castle in a hurry.
- 随着魔杖又一挥,她的神仙教母把几只在角落里逃窜的老鼠变成穿制服的随从。With another wave of her wand, her fairy godmother transformed some mice that were scurrying in the corner into footmen.
- 教母godmother
- 神仙教母的魔法使灰姑娘的破烂衣衫变成了一件漂亮的长外衣。The fairy godmother's magic charm turned Cinderella's rags into a beautiful gown.
- 外教foreign teacher
- 母狗bitch
- 母猪sow
- 母牛cow
- 清教Puritanism
- 母版mother matrix
- 摩门教Mormon Church (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
- 失败是成功之母"Failure is the mother of success" (proverb)
- 母的maternal
- 相夫教子help the husband and teach the children
- 政教合一unification of the state and the church
- 母液mother water
- 孺子可教the youth is worth educating
- 母材mother plate
- 她靠教英文勉强维持生活。She was able to rub along by giving English lessons.
- 母板motherboard