- 社会年刊.the Annals of the Society
- 社会年刊已经出版了。The annals of the society have been published.
- 年刊annual
- 他们的行为举止必须得到社会的认可才行。They must behave in a way which will be socially acceptable.
- 人们强烈要求革除社会弊端。There is a strong demand to reform social abuses.
- 双年刊biannual
- 他们自认为是社会中坚。They think of themselves as the salt of the earth.
- 兽医年刊Veterinary Annual
- 这些墓地中发现的东西说明曾经有过一个昌盛的母系社会。The finds from these burial grounds point to the existence of a prosperous matriarchal society.
- 评论年刊annual review
- 他对社会习俗一无所知。He is totally ignorant of social usage.
- 学校年鉴[年刊]school annals
- 家庭是一个社会单元。The family is a social unit.
- 香港统计年刊Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics
- 这种主张为社会变革铺路。Such opinions pave the way for social change.
- 经济金融年刊Annals of Economics and Finance
- 她是一个社会福利工作者。She is a social worker.
- 学科年刊汇编某一学术领域记录及报告的期刊A periodical journal in which the records and reports of a learned field are compiled.
- 它会对社会构成威胁。It will be a danger to society.
- 银行法评论年刊Annual review of banking law