- 我邀请您到我公司来,给我们的营销员作一次有关怎样确定目标市场的讲座,可以吗?May I invite you to our company to give our sales staff members a lecture about how to decide on a target market?
- 教练能训练你有权销售业务人员的最好方式生成线索,确定目标市场,并聘请合适的队员对你的业务。The right business coach can train your sales staff in the best methods of generating leads, identifying target markets and hiring the right kind of team members for your business.
- 协助汽车厂商进行准确的产品定位、确定目标市场并进行有效的营销推广,发展持久和盈利的客户关系。Helping automotive companies position their products correctly, identify target markets accurately and conduct effective marketing so as to develop sustainable and profitable customer relationship.
- 目标市场target market
- 营销观念认为,实现组织目标的关键在于正确地确定目标市场的欲望和需要,并比竞争者更有效地满足顾客的欲望和需要。The marketing concept holds that achieving organization goals depends on determining the needs and wants of target marketing and delivering the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors do.
- 要确定目标计算机是否安装了修补程序,必须手动对其进行检查。To determine whether the target computers have been patched, you must manually inspect them.
- 中国水产品出口主要目标市场国的非传统贸易壁垒分析与比较Analysis and Comparison for the Nontraditional Barriers to main target country for China's Seafood Export
- 确定目标不足以弄清项目的范围。Identifying the target is not enough to clarify the project boundaries.
- 目标群;目标市场a target group; a target market.
- 为什么确定目标很重要?Why is setting goals important?
- 目标市场选择的Five Patterns of Target Market Selection
- 别人认为重要,并不能作为你确定目标的根据。只有你自己知道,什么东西对你最好。Don t set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you.
- 出口目标市场Export target markets
- 带有确定目标或指定目的而工作to work with a set or specified goal or purpose
- 重点目标市场key target market
- 如果这在您的应用程序中有用,则可以确定目标页是否由于跨页发送而正在运行。If it is useful in your application, you can determine whether the target page is running as the result of a cross-page post.
- 潜在目标市场potential target market
- 闭区间数确定目标间相对权重探讨Discussion on Relative Weight Decision in Closed Inteval
- 目标市场是什么?what is the target market?
- MediaTimeline通过Storyboard.TargetName附加属性来确定目标MediaElement控件。MediaTimeline targets the MediaElement control via the Storyboard.TargetName attached property.