- 光着的脚板在硬地板上啪嗒啪嗒地走。Bare feet pattered along the hard floor.
- 主要应用领域:保洁公司、酒店、会议大厅、银行、大型办公场所、购物中心、学校,飞机场以及所有铺设中到大面积地毯和硬地板的场所。Main application fields: cleaning companies, hotels, conference halls, banks and big offices, shopping centres, schools, airports and all places with large or middle-sized surfaces of carpet and hard floor.
- 硬hard
- 硬的hard
- 硬质horniness
- 地板有些倾斜。The floor has a tilt to it.
- 硬碟hard disk
- 我把脏地板好好擦了一下。I gave the dirty floor a good scour.
- 硬要importunity
- 他砰的一声跌倒在地板上。He fell on the floor with a thud.
- 男孩擦去地板上的污物。The boy scoured off the dirt from the floor.
- 变硬stiffen
- 椅子在地板上拖得吱吱的响。A chair scraped on the floor.
- 硬块nugget
- 学生们在地板上坐成一圈。The students sit in a circle on the floor.
- 硬膜putamen
- 我被分配去拖地板。I was asked to mop the floor.
- 硬伤mechanical damage
- 这门擦到地板了。The door rubs on the floor.
- 硬皮hardback