- 异丙磷[化] isothioate; MITP
- 丰丙磷Aphidan
- 丁氨丙磷Butafosfan
- 氨砜噻吨,甲哌硫丙硫蒽,替沃噻吨Navane
- 复方丁氨丙磷溶液compound butafosfan solution
- 硫sulfur
- 脱硫to decoke
- 气相色谱法测定水和废水中的溴丙磷To Detect Profenofos in Water and Wastewater Using GC
- 马来酸硫乙哌丙嗪,马来酸甲哌硫丙嗪Torecan Maleate
- 硫代硫酸钠hyposulphite
- 硫脲thiourea
- 丙二醇propanediol
- 丙酸monoprop
- 苯丙氨酸phenyl alanine
- 因为除去钢中的磷和硫需要一些特殊的条件,这些条件只有碱性法才能满足。Because the removal of phosphorus and sulfur require special condition that can be met only by the basic process.
- 丙氨酸lactamine
- 丙三醇propanetriol
- 马拉硫磷karbofos
- 硫乙哌丙嗪,甲哌硫丙嗪,乙硫拉嗪,硫乙嗪Torecan
- 对硫磷Folidol