- 硌press against
- 蓝牙Bluetooth
- 蛀牙cariosity
- 狼牙wolf tooth
- 牙套tooth socket
- 硌痕dent
- 牙疼have a toothache
- 硌印punch marks
- 硌掉牙齿Having his teeth knocked out
- 尾牙a year-end dinner for employees
- 硌要性necessity
- 牙线dental floss
- 硌窝儿cracked
- 洗牙toothwash
- 这种硬糖能硌掉你的牙齿。you can break a tooth on that hard candy.
- 吡硌烷酮pyrrolidone
- 长牙tusk
- 硌痕清除器dent remover
- 蓝牙耳机bluetooth headset
- 鞋里有砂子,硌脚。There's some grit in the shoe, and it hurts my foot.