- 但是你睁眼说瞎话啊But your insensitivity lies in the fact
- 你能够大白天睁眼说瞎话没有一丝的内疚。You are capable of lying under broad daylight without the slightest sense of guilt.
- 你睁眼说瞎话!我知道这个值多少钱。标签上都有,十元而不是二十。你以为我不知道。You're lying through your teeth, I know how much it costs, it's right on the price tag, it's ten not twenty, you thought I wouldn't know.
- 电视播放了北京群众在天安门广场欢庆的场面,镜头对准一位民警,记者睁眼说瞎话地硬说,那证明即使在欢庆时刻政府都不相信人民!The TV showed people in Beijing celebrating in Tian An Men and the camera focused on a single policeman,and the reporter had the cheek to say that was a proof the government did not trust the people even in the hour of jubilation!
- 他垂下双眼说他不知道。His eyes hanged and said he didn't know.
- 睁to open (eye)
- 他善于颠倒黑白,睁着眼睛说瞎话。He is good at confounding black and white and telling lies.
- 媚眼ogle
- 比方说to make an analogy ...
- 是说mean
- 睁开stretch
- 乱说to make irresponsible remarks
- 裸眼uncased hole
- 睡眼sleeping eyes
- 说完finish
- 她在黑暗中睁大眼睛看。She strained her eyes in the darkness.
- 眉来眼去ogle
- 说瞎话tell a lie
- 他粗鲁地瞪了她一眼。He gave her a rude stare.
- "别以为就这么定下来了,通常要局长说了才算的。" 汤姆说道。"Don't think it is settled yet; the Director always has the last word, " said Tom.