- 眨动眼睫毛bat one's eyelashes.
- 突然的亮光使她的眼睛眨动。She responded to the sudden light by blinking her eyes.
- 胞睑频频眨动frequent nictitation
- 星星眨动着眼睛And the stars dance twinkling
- 不动motionless
- 她睡觉时眼睑不停地眨动。Her eyelids flickered as she slept.
- 心动aroused in interest
- 眨wink
- 脉动pulsating movement
- 眨眼睛wink
- 不动的motionless
- 点动crawl
- 强烈的光使他直眨眼睛。The bright light made him wink.
- 从动driven
- 异动transaction
- 玛丽眨着眼睛不让泪水往下掉。Mary winked back her tears.
- 微动jiggle
- 风动air operated
- 差动differential
- 可动movable