- 整体铸造式墙板,滑移式压辊结构,刚性强,稳定性好,适用于高速运转。With the features of mono-block cast type wallboard, slippage press roller structure, strong rigidity, better stability and suitable for high-speed operation.
- 铝箔轧机悬臂式压平辊浅议Discussion about Cantilever Levelling Roll Used for Aluminium Foil Mill
- 大容量高压真空式全范围限流熔断器Whole Scope and Vacuum Type Current Limiting Fuse with Large Capacity and High Voltage
- 带式压滤机的改造Modification on belt press filter
- 真空vacuum
- 压辊compression roller
- 脉动真空式压力蒸气灭菌器灭菌效果监测Monitor the stetrilizing Effect of Pulsingvacuum Pressure Steam Sterilizer
- 厢式压滤机box filter
- 通常为铝塑复合包装袋,真空式充氮气包装。Usually in polyethylene-aluminnum composite bags packed under vacuum.
- 螺旋缝高频焊钢管内压辊形状的探讨Discussion on the Shape of the Inner- roller in Spirally H. F. Welded Pipe
- 隔膜式压滤机diaphragm filter press
- 真空式压力蒸汽灭菌器工作性能及灭菌效果监测进展Progress in Monitory of Vacuum Pressure Steam Sterilizer Working Performance and Sterilizing Efficacy
- 凹面手压辊concave roller
- 保护单台电力电容器的真空式全范围限流熔断器的开发Development of Vacuum Type and Whole Scope Current Limiting Fuse for Protecting Single Power Condenser
- 差压辊differential roll
- 液压式压滤机hydraulic pressure filter
- 真空式vacuum type
- 紧压辊calender roller
- 真空式绝缘vacuum type insulation
- 湿压辊wet press roll