- 真空吸移压榨回头辊在圆网纸机上的应用The Application of Suction Press Drumon the Cylinder Machine
- 真true
- 真的forsooth
- 真空吸辊vacuum suction roll
- Elgin公司的几款清扫车及真空吸污车。Some Sweeping Vehicles and Vacuum Trucks Manufactured in Elgin Inc.
- 辊revolve
- 搬移flitting
- 真假true and false
- 移印bat printing
- 真空吸铸条件下充型速度对薄壁铝合金铸件内部质量的影响Effect of Filling Velocity on Metallurgical Quality of Thin Wall Aluminium Alloy Casting in Vacuum Suction
- 托辊carrier roller
- 真爱true love
- 当真take seriously
- 评估中央真空吸尘系统的家用电动管嘴的马达寿命的试验方法Test Method for Motor Life Evaluation of a Household Electric Motorized Nozzle for Central Vacuum Cleaning System
- 时间过得真快Where did the time go?
- 真棒dishy
- 真地veritably
- 真如thusness
- 真遗憾It's a shame.
- 真的吗?No kidding?