- 填这些表真是麻烦。Filling in all these forms is such a bore.
- 真是麻烦.MR. CRAWFORD: This is very inconvenient.
- 在这么小的公寓里养一条象阿尔萨斯的大狼狗真是麻烦,当你拿着一盘玻璃杯时,它似乎老是挡道。The trouble with having a big dog like an Alsatian in a small flat is that it always seems to be in the road when you are carrying a tray of glasses.
- 真是(idiom) ?it is truly ... ?
- 真是的(idiom) ?it truly is? (expressing dissatisfaction)
- 我不想麻烦他去机场为我送行。I want to spare him the trouble of seeing me off at the airport.
- 您来给我送行,真是太客气了。It's very nice of you to come and see me off.
- 她引起了许多麻烦。She caused a peck of trouble.
- 麻烦你把窗子打开好吗?Could I trouble you to open the window?
- 真是太巧了!What a coincidence!
- 你和他交往会招来麻烦。You are wooing trouble if you associate with him.
- 这真是极度愚蠢。This is very midsummer madness.
- 他的麻烦不断。He had trouble without end.
- 那对新婚夫妇真是快乐的一对。The newly married couple are really a happy pair.
- 整个麻烦起于误会。The whole trouble processed from a misunderstanding.
- 那出哑剧真是滑稽有趣。The dumb show was a scream.
- 我不敢麻烦您。I won't presume to trouble you.
- 她真是一位杰出的艺术家。She is really a fine artist.
- 我给你造成不便[麻烦]了吧?Did I put you to inconvenience [trouble]?
- 那架缝纫机真是一件老古董了。The sewing machine is a real veteran.