- 这药丸封止我的咳嗽有效。The pills were effective in stopping my cough.
- 机machine
- 真true
- 半自动金属上止机Semi-Auto Metal Top Stop Machine
- 封to confer
- 真的forsooth
- 是研究开发和量产半导体封止包装为中心的树脂成型加工技术的公司。Atecs is a company engaged in research, development and mass production using resin mold processing technology of products centered on semiconductor sealing-use packages.
- 全自动超音波双上止机U型Auto Double Top Stop Welding Machine U-Type
- 脱机off-line
- 真假true and false
- 封神apotheosize
- 饮水机bubbler
- 真爱true love
- 死机system halted
- 封印seal
- 起止start-stop
- 当真take seriously
- 压机press
- 油封felt washer
- 接机meet sb. at the airport