- 那大地,像一张琴,真因着我双足的踏触而颤成诗歌么?Does the earth, like a sharp, shiver into songs with the touch of my feet?
- 真true
- 因reason
- 真的forsooth
- 颈肌劳损综合征误诊颈椎病原因分析Analysis of Misdiagnosis between Cervical Muscle Strain and Cervical Spondylopathy
- 浙江嘉兴地区1793例下消化道出血常见病因分析The Common Causes of 1793 Cases with Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Jiaxing Area
- 真假true and false
- 根据术中韧带断裂的部位和形态,结合伤因分析其受伤机制。The mechanism of the injury was analyzed based on the site,cuntour, and cause of rupture of ICL.
- 真爱true love
- 当真take seriously
- 因公on business
- 影响我国优秀散打运动员过早退役的基本因素及致因分析An Analysis of Affecting Factors of Our Elite Sanda Athletes for Retiring Early
- 时间过得真快Where did the time go?
- 因病due to illness; because of illness
- 信以为真sumption
- 归因imputation
- 真棒dishy
- 真地veritably
- 因何whereat
- 真如thusness