- 也真不凑巧,第一个求婚的是个老头儿,此人长着一双斜眼不说,还老咳嗽。Now it happened that the first suitor was an old man with squint eyes and a cough.
- 真不凑巧,回家的路上我淋了一场雨。As luck would have it,I was caught in the rain on my way home.
- 真不凑巧,当马戏团来到我们镇上时戴维得了重感冒。It was too bad David had a bad cold when the circus came to our town.
- 真true
- 真的forsooth
- 真不凑巧! 他出去了。What bad luck! He's not at home.
- 真不凑巧! 他出去了。What bad luck! He's not at home.
- 不凑巧,我把那本笔记本放在家里了。As it happens,I have left the note book at home.
- 吉米来得不凑巧。Jimmy arrived out of season.
- "老板刚和女朋友吵了一架,所以秘书提到取消订货单的事,说得真不是时候。"The secretary dropped a clanger when she mentioned the cancel of the order to her boss who had just had a quarrel with his girlfriend.
- 不凑巧,那晚偏下雨。By ill luck it was a rainy evening.
- 不凑巧,那晚偏下雨。By ill luck it was a rainy evening.
- 我不能,相信已经是分别的时候了。我真不知道我是不是要离开。I can not believe the time have come to say goodbye. I am not really sure I want to leave.
- 不凑巧,他出去了。Unhappily, he was out.
- 不凑巧,银行现在不营业。Unfortunately the bank is shut now.
- 我真不知道那些整天在外面工作的妇女如何解决她们的购物问题。I don't know how women who are out at work all day manage about their shopping.
- 不凑巧,我自己要用。Unfortunately, I need it myself.
- 无论我给孩子煮什么东西他都不肯吃,我真不知道该怎么办才好。The child refused to eat anything I cooked for him and I was driven to my wit's end.
- 毕竟有了一个家真不容易,尽管家庭有时是令人讨厌的地方。It's something to have a family after all, nuisances though they can be at times.
- 然而事情不凑巧,我自那以后从未见过她。As it happens, however, I never saw her again.