- 看to look after
- 可以,请你把行李交给我(房服务员)行李保管费每天大件二角,小件一角。Yes, please leave them with me( the room attendant). The service fee for the bigpiece is20 fen per day. For the small one, it's10 fen.
- 房house
- 看房人promising house buyer
- 免费陪同客户看房。Free accompany the customers to see the building.
- 看电影see a movie
- 看的visual
- 租房tenement
- 看完sit through
- 不看turnaway
- 看出espy
- 双人房double room
- 看电视watch television
- 退房check out
- 一看look
- 包房passenger compartment
- 看过see; perceive
- 房贷housing loan
- 看上settle on
- 房车car as a house