- 马特:亲爱的,今天给你赢个最大的维尼熊,你就看我的吧!Matt: Dear, today I will win the biggest Whinny the Pooh for you, just you watch me.
- 我的my
- 亲爱的,今天给你赢个最大的维尼熊,你就看我的吧!Dear, today I will win the biggest Whinny the Pooh for you, just you watch me.
- 看to look after
- "全告诉我吧,我的孩子," 她说,"别藏在心里,我看你忍得够多的了。""Tell me it all, my lad, " she said. "Get it off your chest. I can see you've had a lot to put up with."
- 那麽,看我的吧--祝我走运吧。Well, here goes wish me luck!
- 让世人来赞美我的吧,但愿我能明智而谦恭地接受它们。Let the world; instead, approach me with praise and may I have the wisdom to receive it in humility.
- [新译]求你掩面不看我的罪恶,求你涂抹我的一切罪孽。KJV] Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.
- "她没有给我回信。事实是,她甚至没有看过我的信。"She didn't answer my letter. The fact is she didn't even read it.
- 我看看我的时间表吧。Now let me check my schedule.
- “看我的!”汤姆开始做测验时说道。"Here goes!" said Tom as he started the test.
- 停了一会儿,她语气略显冷淡地说:“是梅请你来照顾我的吧。”After a pause she said, with a just perceptible chill in her voice: 'May asked you to take care of me? '
- 第二天早上敌人走了,我急忙上山去看我的那块土地。Next morning the enemy left and I hurried up the mountain to my plot.
- 我们赶到那里时,我一看我的车已经烧焦了。When we arrived there, I saw my car has been swealed.
- 中国的吧,我想买一瓶作纪念礼物送给我的女朋友,请给我拿一种高质量的看看。Chinese,please. I want to get I bottle for my girlfriend as a souvenir. Please show me something of good quality.
- 看我的嘴唇;仔细听我说(我可不是开玩笑)。Listen carefully to what I say(I mean what I say.)
- 在我们进行贸易谈判时,他一直在瞟看我的女秘书。He's always squinting at my female secretary as we talked about our business.
- 他微微有点冒汗,避免看我的眼睛。He was sweating slightly, and avoided looking me in the eye.
- 詹妮:胡说,你明明在看我的大腿。Jenny: Bullshit, you are looking at my leg.
- 端那么重的盘子,我看我的体力不行。I don't think I'm strong enough to lift those heavy trays .