- 到保安公司租犬看家护院Hire guard dog from security guard company
- 家家都有狗看家护院,这是上千年来的传统。Each family all have the dog guard home, this is for over a thousand years tradition.
- 看厂护院safeguard the plant and houses
- 他家的护院告诉我,主人出去度假了,半个月后才回来。Their housekeeper told me that the master was on vacation, and wouldn't be for half a month.
- 他养一条狗看家。He keeps a dog to guard the house.
- 按摩院massage parlor
- 这条狗为它的主人看家。The dog overwatches his master's house.
- 护工nurse
- 院级institute-level
- 主管护师Nurse-in-charge
- 他训练狗看家.He is training his dog to look after the house.
- 枢密院Privy Council
- 透过信箱看家中是否有人。Peep through the letterbox and see if anyone is at home.
- 我们伴护女士们去参加舞会。We beaued the ladies to the dance party.
- 我喜欢你们学院但我不想报名去你院。I like your institute but I do not want to enrol.
- 我被派去护路。I was assigned to watch the road.
- 这出地方剧目一直是这个剧团赖以为生的看家节目。This local play has been the bread and butter of the troupe.
- 二院Second Academy
- 犰狳有角质鳞片的护甲。The armadillo has a protective shell of bony plates.
- 康复院convalescent home; convalescent hospital