- 看to look after
- 看电影see a movie
- 看的visual
- 这个场地太滑,我们换个场子吧。The ground is too slippery, lets change one.
- 看完sit through
- 山谷灰场子坝加高的岩土工程勘测The Engineering Survey on the Soil and Rock for the Raise of the Dam of the Shangu Ash Yard
- 不看turnaway
- 他经常拉场子表演,在这一带已经小有名气了。He always gives open air performances, and is quite popular in this area.
- 看出espy
- 看电视watch television
- 一看look
- 看过see; perceive
- 看上settle on
- 来看(v) interpret a topic from a certain point of view
- 看不懂be blind to
- 看不起look down upon
- 看起来(idiom) looks as if (based on what is known so far)
- 看书read a book
- 看不见unseen
- 看一看take measures