- 看在老天爷的面子上去拿一杯茶给我吧。我口里一点味也没有。For heaven's sake go and fetch me a cup of tea. I've got a mouth like the bottom of a parrot's cage!
- 看在旧曰关系的面子上,请帮我这一回。For the old time sake, please give me a hand this time.
- 看在旧日关系的面子上;For the old time sake.
- 不过看在楼主的面子上,我顶了!But look at the face of you, I withstand the theme!
- 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 稳住还价不易。希望说服卖方,看在将来的面上予以接受。Bid secure with difficulty persuade seller accept for futures sake.
- 看在你的面子上,我希望如此。I hope so - for your sake!
- 看在你妈妈的面子上,我放你一马。I will spare you for the sake of your mother.
- "是这样的,老师。我昨天去看她,在她那儿呆了三个小时。""Please, teacher, I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her three hours."
- 晚餐吃得很奢侈浪费只是为了面子上好看Spent lavishly on dinner just for effect.
- 你不能对一个男人这么说,叫他面子上过不去。You can't come down that hard on a man and leave him his balls.
- 嗨!看在上帝份上。Hey! For goodness sake.
- 布朗和列文森在他们的面子理论中,以及后来的很多学者都很少提及听众的面子;Brown and Levinson in their face theory, as well as many other scholars, seldom mention the audience's face.
- 看在老交情的分上,我还继续关心他。I continue to take an interest in him for old sake's sake.
- 双方心里都已经懊悔了,面子上还负气谁也不理谁。Both of you have already regretted it inside but remain resentful and ignore each other.
- 爱国主义的具体内容,看在什么样的历史条件之下来决定。The specific content of patriotism is determined by historical conditions.
- 你把我在末日的焦躁自私全部看在眼里,你了解我心中的全部哀怨!You had seen all the fretful selfness of my latter days; you had known all the murmurings of my heart!
- 好吧,我怎么也要你在面子上过的去,你放心,我不会让你难受的。Well, how should I pass you in the face, you may rest assured that I will not allow you to endure.
- 天哪!看在上帝的分上!for land's sake!
- 和谐从整体看在安排或布局上的和谐妥贴Harmony in the arrangement or interarrangement of parts with respect to a whole.